Holiday Giving

December 12th, 2018

Michelle Geer presents Jon, from The Littlest Heroes, with the check from Vintage Employees.

Every December the employees of Vintage Wine choose a local organization to donate to during the holidays. We choose different ways to fund raise every year, so that everyone can participate in a collective donation. Some of the organizations we have donated to in the past include; Hospice of the Western Reserve, Fieldstone Farms, Providence House Cleveland and Shop with a Cop.

This year we chose The Littlest Heroes based here in Solon.

The Littlest Heroes non-profit organization has been around since 2001 and has helped more than 4,000 families in Northeast Ohio. Their mission is “to impact the lives of children living with cancer and their families by addressing the economic, emotional and social concerns that accompany childhood cancer through education, assistance and community organization”. They do this by providing financial support in the form of gas and grocery gift cards, rent/mortgage and utility payments, or even medical expenses that insurance will not cover.  All types of families, regardless of income level or zip code, are assisted through The Littlest Heroes program.

Through the Littlest Heroes, we were able to adopt a family who has a child with cancer and we were able to raise a total of $1,460.

Jon with The Littlest Heroes came by our office on Monday to collect our donation. He was amazed at how much we were able to collect in such a short period of time. They will be presenting the donation to the family on behalf of Vintage Wine employees and will send updates once they receive the funds.

For more information about The Littlest Heroes program visit:

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